Happy Mother Fucking Opening Day!!! The one day I can definitively say put these on the card about my New York Mets who never lose opening day. It is also the official start to spring. The fresh cut grass, the perfect fields. It is like Christmas in March.

No more fake important games that the World Baseball Classic pushed on us. It is time for the big leaguers to play for the teams that pay them. To play for all the kids that have their hats and jerseys on and come to the ballpark.

Sorry it is a little poetic coming from me, but I just fucking love it. I love it until I realize I am still a Mets fan and the start of a new season’s hope always wears off fast. But that was in yesterday’s blog. This is our daily gambling blog and we have to put these on the card!

Since it is the first day of baseball, I am doing a 15 team parlay +294371. Today is all about the teams playing their best lineups vs the other team. There are no little injuries from the game before. No guys tired from a long road trip. No, this is best on best.

I took these teams to just win on the parlay. Yankees, Braves, Orioles, Cubs, Rays, Phillies, Reds, Twins, Mets, Cardinals, Astros, Padres, Angels, Dodgers and Mariners. Let’s fucking go!! Have a wonderful Opening Day. Follow us on twitter, tik tok, instagram and youtube.